Glenn became a right above knee amputee due to a trauma accident in 1991. He was able to ambulate using a silicone liner for 21 years then his skin suddenly became intolerant to silicon liners. No number of creams, lotions or different liners helped his situation. Glenn then elected to have osseointegration in July 2012. Glenn’s desired expectation was to be able to wear a prosthesis for many hours without any skin irritation or discomfort. He was able to achieve this outcome and the results were even better than what he had hoped for.
Glenn has been a peer support volunteer for many years visiting new amputees and is also a member of the National Council for Limbs4Life, an Amputee Support Group operating in Australia and New Zealand.
Glenn has also been a volunteer patient model with Ossur Australia for over 15 years as a crash test dummy during prosthetist training sessions.