Lynette graduated from the Derby School of Occupational Therapy in the UK in 1981 and worked as an Occupational Therapist (OT) in a variety of adult rehabilitation settings and social services programs in Sheffield and London prior to emigrating to Australia in 1986 to work in Newcastle, NSW.
She has worked in orthopaedics, general medicine and managed the Hunter Equipment Service and Program of Appliances for Disabled People (PADP) services before being appointed as the first OT employed by community health services in Newcastle to implement the Home and Community Care home modifications service in the Hunter region.
After working as the Head OT at Maitland Hospital, Lynette began academic work as a foundation staff member of the new undergraduate OT program at the University of Newcastle in 1991, and co-ordinated their fieldwork program for seven years as well as teaching and developing the problem-based learning curriculum there.
Lynette completed her PhD in epidemiology in 2002 through investigating falls amongst older people in New South Wales and Queensland as part of the Department for Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Preventive Care Trial which formed the basis for the over 75s check later implemented by Medicare.
In 2007, Lynette moved to Sydney to co-ordinate the revised Masters of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program, and she is currently involved in several research projects related to older people living in the community, including a National Health and Medical Research Council Partnership Grant looking at sustainable referral pathways for GPs to engage in multidisciplinary falls prevention for older people living at home in collaboration with allied health providers.