Bec Edser is a Child and Family Partnerships Coordinator with Emerging Minds, but her main job is being a mum and step-mum. Bec’s neurodivergent six-year-old son has been teaching their family about how they can support and nurture his amazing abilities as well as negotiate the challenges that he faces. Bec aspires to support and advocate for the diversity of needs and identities within her family.
Bec has shared her experience as a parent navigating the many challenges that confront a family who are travelling the path to understanding a new diagnosis in Emerging Minds’ online courses, Child-centred and family-focused practice with children with disability, and Child-centred and communication-focused practice with children with disability; and has described this journey in the Emerging Minds’ podcast episode, The team around the child: A mum’s story of her son’s neurodiversity.