Irina Hollington is a Chronic Pain Specialist and Anaesthetist, working in a variety of settings in public and private across Adelaide. She provides holistic care and interventional pain management with an interest in spinal and pelvic pain since 2017 in a variety of public and private multi-disciplinary settings across Adelaide as well as medico-legal support.
Irina trained in anaesthesia, intensive care and chronic pain in Germany, Switzerland and Australia, completing her fellowship in anaesthesia (FANZCA) in 2013 and Chronic Pain Medicine (FFPMANZCA) in 2017. She has a strong interest in teaching and is a lecturer at the University of Adelaide and is involved in several courses for ANZCA, RACS and FPMANZCA. She is a supervisor of training, FPM examiner and on several committees for FPM. 2019-2021 she was a Board Member at the Pelvic Pain foundation of Australia.
She enjoys giving talks to patients, clinicians and specialists across Australia and is passionate about resource allocation and educating to self-management.