Dr Mowll holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and a PhD in Social Work. She is an accredited mental health social worker and a member of the Australian College of Social Work (Clinical Division). Jane has over 18 years experience as a social worker and counsellor in government and private settings. As a senior social worker at the Department of Forensic Medicine, she worked with colleagues to develop a comprehensive program focussed on support after suicide, including a support after suicide group which she co facilitated for over 16 years. In her capacity as a counsellor, she continues to provide support and counselling for people bereaved by suicide. Jane completed her PhD at the University of NSW in 2011 in the experience of viewing or not viewing the body of a relative after suicide and other sudden death. Jane is currently leading a team of researchers undertaking a study exploring grief for relatives bereaved after either palliative care or coronial death.