Professor Alfred Allan qualified in law and psychology and is a registered psychologist with clinical and forensic endorsements in Australia. He has taught law, psychology and professional ethics in Law, Medical and Psychology Schools in South Africa and Australia.
He was a member of the inaugural Psychologists Board of Australia and is a director and the chair of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the International Association for Applied Psychology (IAAP) and a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society (APS). He is a past president of the Psychology and Law Division of the IAAP, Australian and New Zealand Association for Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and a past chair of the APS College of Forensic Psychologists, the Ethics Committee of the APS, and of the Working Group that reviewed the Australian Psychological Society’s Code of Ethics in 2005-2007 and 2017-2019. He is an associate editor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and a member of the editorial boards of Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine and Ethics and Behaviour.